Monday, February 1, 2016

I had high hopes for today - I really did. 

Molly dog didn't feel the urge to go potty last night so I actually got to sleep for several hours consecutively. My alarm was set for 6am but at 5:45 I was wide awake and I now had extra time to type my lesson plans before having to be at work at 7am. Work was quiet when I walked in, transitions were smooth, and since I woke up early I already had caffeine flowing through my veins. It was the recipe for a perfect day. The day progressed and it seemed like more and more papers and checklists were piling up on my desk, my Eric Carle cutouts weren't cooperating (I love the man's artwork, but for the life of me I could not get my sheep to look like his), and all of the adults seemed to have the same attitude that I was beginning to get. I'll be honest, I was overwhelmed to the point of tears. My lunch break came right on time and I couldn't drive the 1.2 mile commute from work to home fast enough. 

I'm going to be honest - I eat my feelings. When I got home my lunch consisted of sour cream and onion chips, a Klondike bar, and Mtn. Dew. 

After my 'lunch' and catching up on Dance Moms [you can laugh - it's my guilty pleasure and I accept that] it was time to go back to work. On a typical day I relieve someone else's lunch in the infant room for an hour and then go back to my classroom when my kids are waking up from nap. I absolutely love snuggling with sweet babies, but doing this left no time for me to work on lesson plans or anything since I was out of my classroom during the entire rest time. I was expecting this same routine today but I walked in to a nice surprise. Someone else was in the infant room and I was able to be in my classroom. I got to sit down and check off those checklists that overwhelmed me earlier. It might seem silly, but I couldn't help but think of Matthew 11:28 where Christ said "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." If you've never worked in childcare you have no idea how a checklist can send you over the edge. You're already playing the role of an educator, a caregiver, a referee, a mediator between kids and parents, a doctor, a comforter, a comedian, a sanitation soldier (especially in the state of NC but I won't go into that...), and trying to set a good example and show children how to become adults all while not being able to tell them 'no', 'stop', 'don't', or put them in time out. This extra hour in my day was my rest. I was able to breathe. The rest of the afternoon was spent on the playground enjoying the beautiful day and I even had some time to clean the painted bear scene off my windows.

My favorite part of the day comes in now :)

One of my kids was being picked up while I was in my room cleaning and her mom came in to get her things from her cubby. We were talking about the potluck dinner they were headed to this evening at their church. My sweet little 'T' overheard us and she said with great excitement, "I get to eat dinner at church tonight! Tomorrow night you can come with me." She wasn't apprehensive about extending the invitation and she wasn't worried that I would turn her down. I suddenly became envious of my sweet 'T' - I wanted to approach people how she did. I don't want to be overcome with fears of rejection or defeat when witnessing or simply inviting someone to church. We stop the Holy Spirit before he even gets a chance to work through us. We're giving power to the devil each and every time this happens. He knows that every time you're afraid to speak to that stranger or family member, it's more time for him to work in them. Paul gave Timothy some advice in II Timothy 1:7: "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." To me, it sounds like Timothy might have been a little shy and Paul was having to give him reassurance that when it comes to sharing the gospel, fear comes from Satan. Paul was a man of boldness. He got his point across no matter what tried to get in his way and he wanted Timothy to do the same. That's all Christ asks of us. He asked that we share the good news with others. 

We just finished up a Missions Conference [the first one I've ever attended], and I had a chance to listen to wonderful testimonies of people who gave up their families, possessions, and comforts to go and share the gospel. I can't even get past Kernersville, much less branching out beyond. I want the boldness that 'T' showed me today. I want the boldness that Paul had when approaching the lost. I want the boldness that Christ showed in John 15:13 - "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends". My sweet 'T', your invitation spoke volumes to me today <3 

I can't say that I've ever paid attention to this verse before because I usually reason myself out of witnessing or sharing the gospel, but Hebrews 13:6 hit me hard tonight: "So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me."

No matter what men may say, never fail to give the invitation for someone to share in the love of Christ. 

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